Accessibilty Statement

A lot of efforts are put in DanPC to make the contents available to people with disabilities and special needs according to the WCAG, the rest of this page explains some of the actions taken to make sure this website complies with the accssibility guidelines to make it accessible to whom it may concern. It's important to note that website accessibility is a dynamic ongoing proccess, due to the nature of website content changes and accessibility technology advancement.

Despite the efforts of making this website accessible, there might be situations where content won't be accessible, such as third-party integrations from external services like YouTube. If you find a problem related to this website accessibility, you can send a message to: so we can check and correct the issue as soon as possible.

A partial list of steps taken and accessibility options for this website:

Standards Compliance

  • This website is written semantically mostly with HTML5 (to correctly support assistive technologies)
  • This website is designed in a minimalistic, straightforward way
  • This website is responsive
  • Images has alternate text when necessary
  • Forms and other website features are accessible to screen readers and people who use accessible keyboard
  • Dynamic contents such as image galleries are accessible through keyboard

Accessibility Options

  • Text size can be changed with the keyboard combinations CTRL and + or -
  • Features can be accessed by pressing Enter
  • Navigating through different sections and contents of this website can be done by using the Tab keyboard key to go from left to right and up and down, or upside down by using the keyboard keys combination Tab and Shift
Right now on DanPC: 82,729 products and 266 online games.